What if you want to take things a step further by hosting your WordPress website on a Virtual Private Server (VPS) for optimal performance and control?
In this blog post, we will delve into the art of creating a WordPress website in Webinoly, hosted on a Contabo VPS. We will have an Ubuntu 22.04 LTS operating system.
But first, you should have a running Webinoly stack and a ROOT user in Contabo VPS. Check out this tutorial on how to install Webinoly in Contabo VPS or watch the video below.
Watch on YouTube
How to Create a WordPress Website in Webinoly Hosted on a VPS
Before anything else, you should have a good knowledge about system administration. Webinoly has no graphical user interface so this is not for beginners. You need a domain to create a WordPress website.
Step 1. Connect to Your Server
Login using Root via SSH. Use Bitvise or any SSH client.
Run the terminal console located on the left menu.
Step 2. Create a WordPress site
Run the following command to create a WordPress website with FastCGI Cache.
sudo site webshanks.store -wp -cache=on
Change webshanks.store with your domain name.
Step 3. Issue an SSL for Your Domain
Run the following command to issue an SSL for your domain.
sudo site webshanks.store -ssl=on
Then you will be asked to enter your email address. Be sure you have DNS records from your domain registrar pointed to your server.
If you have Namecheap, this is how it looks like. You should have A records for both non-www and www.
Step 4. Go to Your Domain to Finish Installation
By default HttpAuth is enabled to protect your website. You will be asked to sign in using your created credentials. If you haven’t created one, run the following command.
sudo httpauth -add
Now you have successfully installed WordPress, it’s time to make it a functional WordPress website. Install theme, add necessary plugins and create content.
That’s it! You now have your WordPress website in Webinoly hosted on Contabo VPS.
Final Thoughts
Creating a WordPress website in Webinoly is not one-click process unlike cPanel or its free alternatives. You need to run commands to install WordPress, issue SSL and add HttpAuth user for security.
However if you want less disk space usage, Webinoly is a good choice because it is very lightweight.